26 cm red 4 liter clay pot – Emile Henry

26 cm red 4 liter clay pot – Emile Henry

4 liter clay pot, red color, made by Emile Henry France.
Offers all the advantages of cooking in earthenware: slow, uniform cooking that extracts all the flavors from the ingredients of the dish.
The lid of the pot makes sure that the stew will be reduced or cooked perfectly, thanks to the points below it.
The pot is suitable for use in the oven and also for all types of stoves (induction with adapter).
Suitable for the dishwasher, easy to clean and preserves its color.

להצעת מחיר אטרקטיבית עבור 26 cm red 4 liter clay pot – Emile Henry


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26 cm red 4 liter clay pot – Emile Henry

4 liter clay pot, red color, made by Emile Henry France.
Offers all the advantages of cooking in earthenware: slow, uniform cooking that extracts all the flavors from the ingredients of the dish.
The lid of the pot makes sure that the stew will be reduced or cooked perfectly, thanks to the points below it.
The pot is suitable for use in the oven and also for all types of stoves (induction with adapter).
Suitable for the dishwasher, easy to clean and preserves its color.


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