Professional V18 vibrating screwdriver/drill set includes hammer functions in a luxurious box + battery and hand tools


– A high-quality, powerful V18 lithium screwdriver/drill.

– 0-1400 rpm.

– Percussion tool function for drilling concrete and the hardest materials.

– Salad per minute: 21000 – 11 clutch modes.

– 10 mm semi-automatic launcher.

– Torque Nm 40.

– Suitable for both screwing and drilling.

– Strong LED lighting.

– 2 speeds, continuous double gear for smooth operation.

– Ergonomic anti-slip handle (slip resistant).

– Very light and comfortable.

– Forward/Reverse.

– Low working noise.

– Drilling capacity in wood 25 mm.

– Drilling capacity in iron 10 mm.

– 10 mm automatic gripper.

– AH1.5 lithium battery.

– Fast charger 400mA cup charger.

להצעת מחיר אטרקטיבית עבור Professional V18 vibrating screwdriver/drill set includes hammer functions in a luxurious box + battery and hand tools


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Triple Whale
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